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Welcome to Mega Subang CMC!

We are passionate about God, about people, and about life. This is why we are so glad you are planning to visit us. Things can be a bit overwhelming when visiting a church for the first time. It's alright! Mega Subang CMC is ready to help you get connected and provide you support.

  • I am not a Christian. Can I go?
    You are most welcomed! Come and have a look.
  • Which worship session should I attend?
    Maybe you can try first the Sunday Worship(9am). It is suitable for all, and with English interpretation for the sermon. If you are college student or young working adult, welcome to Saturday (7:30pm) Firelight Youth Worship. If you have kids age 1-8, encourage you to worship God together with them in our Parents-Children Worship(PCW), Sunday 11:00am. For further information, please refer to ‘Gatherings’ or fill up the respond form. We will contact you.
  • Can I bring children along?
    We encourage families to worship God together, especially when the kids are young. Please don't worry that they will walk around or make sound. It is ok especially in the PCW. But if you come for Sunday 9am Worship, and worry that your kids may disturb others, you may worship on the second level with broadcast
  • Any parking problem?
    Our church is located in Star Avenue, which has sufficient carparks (RM 1/hr)
  • Do you have online worship?
    You may attend our worship online through YouTube, but it's mainly for those who are sick at home or travelling outstation. If possible, we encourage you to come to church to worship and fellowship together with us.


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