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01. The beginning of wisdom


04. Starting from the heart

Proverbs (4:23)

02. Wisdom is calling

Proverbs (1:20-23)

05. Appointment with Happiness

Proverbs (5:18-19)

03. Gain Wisdom


06. Guarding the Covenant

Proverbs (5:15-19)

07. Richness from Above


10. The Peacemaker

​Proverbs (19:11)

08. Wealth without worries


 11. The House of the Righteous

Proverbs (12:7)

09. The True Friend

Proverbs (18:24)

12. Earn the Respect

Proverbs (15:33)

13. Lead Your Flock


16. The Wisdom of Doing Good

Proverbs (2:20)

14. Lord of the Needy

Proverbs (14:31)

17. Pray for Peace in Our Country


15. The Faith that Overcomes Evil with Good

​Proverbs (25:21-22)

18. Yours is the Kingdom 

Proverbs (8:15-16)

19. God-fearing Man

Proverbs (4:10-14)

22. Speak to Build Others Up

​Proverbs (25:11)

20. God-fearing Woman

Proverbs (31:30-31)

23. Listen with Your Heart

Proverbs (18:3)

21. The Promise to God 


24.  Facing the Righteous God


25. Walk the Right Path

Proverbs (14:11-14)

26. The Vision Above the Horizon

Proverbs (29:18)

27. The Faithfulness from the Beginning to the End 

Proverbs (29:18)

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